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Please DO NOT listen to the calming music or relaxation music feature on this website for yourself or your pet while driving, while operating heavy machinery, or in any situation where your full concentration and alertness is required. This music is very calming and relaxing and can make you fall asleep. No warranty or liability will be accepted by the owners of this website or the composers contained within.
The creators of Pet De-Stress are not veterinarians, physicians or scientists and it is not intended as a replacement for medical treatment. There are no medical claims intended.
For vibrational relaxation purposes, please be aware that some vital tracks and keynotes are repeated to produce deeper sonic rebooting for you and your pet.
Pet De-Stress
WARNING: Do not use this product while driving it can induce sleep.
Witnessing your pet's suffering is never easy, therefore we created a calming, relaxing Sound Healing Modality for pets and their owners to release stress and experience equilibrium. You made the call as pet owners, and we answered. For sure we did not short change you. Thanks for stopping by. Download your free gift below.