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Pet Relaxation

The 2-in-1 product for relaxing

pets and humans

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What Is Pet De-Stress?

Pet De-Stress is a powerful, authentic form of sound healing.

Pet De-Stress provides powerful healing keynotes, using one of the most soothing voice modalities.  

Pet De-Stress also provides selected classical instrumentals and special healing affirmations ​designed to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety in pets.  This brings them into a state of peace and calmness.

Pet De-Stress relaxes humans as well. 

Image by Jamie Street
Image by Aleksandar Cvetanovic

How Does Pet De-Stress Work?

Relaxation heals!  Pet De-Stress penetrates the body with relaxing healing sounds. 

As these healing keynotes penetrate the nervous system, you will find that stress is released.  Healing sounds contribute to wholeness, as noted by many scientists such as Doctors Richard Gerber, Herbert Benson and Masaru Emoto.  Their research helped us create a winning product for you. 

The power is in the energy and vibration of the sound.  Follow these steps:

  • Begin with a clean and tidy environment.

  • Relax with your pet.

  • Set a volume level that is comfortable for you and your pet.

  • Use a healing color or material to wrap your pet or put close to your pet.  For example, the color white is good for healing.

  • Stroke your pet gently as the sound penetrates your pet's body.

  • Having plants close by can be helpful, but their presence is not required.

A Product Also Made For You

While Pet De-Stress is designed to help pets, we know that the keynotes in the healing sounds relax people as well. 

Many individuals have shared with us that they sleep with their pets or with their pets nearby.  One person said that he still has not really heard or experienced what the ending tracks feel like because he always falls asleep before the healing sounds come to an end. 

You have made the right choice for you and your pet.  Thank you for considering this product.


Grooming the Dog
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Increase your pet's energy

Relaxation can remove stress and increase energy in your pet.  This is truly the beauty of Pet De-Stress. 

Pet De-Stress helps to bring "aliveness" in your pet -- and also in you.  Use this product to help increase your own energy. 

Healing sound is one of the best, authentic ways to unfold vitality and peacefulness.

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Our Mission

The goal of Pet De-Stress is to provide pets with a sense of peace and relaxation. 

Many of us have had pets that were suffering from some form of anxiety or sadness.  To make matters worse, when our pets are in a bad mood, their troubled state can negatively impact us.  We all strive to provide our pets with the best life possible, and our moods are altered whenever they feel down.

When your pet is happy, you're happy -- and we want to make sure that your pet is always happy.

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